Friday, July 3rd, 2020
In the days before GPS or Google Maps, known to some wild at hearts as the 1970s, you loaded up on free road maps from the service stations before you left Portland, Maine or Pawtucket, Rhode Island or Clark, New Jersey for that summer road trip vacation to Florida. But these weren’t just boring old maps. … Continue reading »
Roadside America,
Sauro Motel Blog
Saturday, August 24th, 2019
From Wired to Tired. Highway 140. Waleska, GA
This North Georgia IGA is perfect if you are on the road and need to go from “Tired to Wired.” Just watch out … Continue reading »
Roadside America,
Sauro Motel Blog,
Saturday, July 28th, 2018

The Matterhorn Motel. Sedona, Arizona
August 1992. Trying to find the road into Sedona, Arizona in the pitch night. My map reading skills were lacking at the time. To the trepidation of my companions, I veered onto an unpaved, gravel road. After a tense, rocky hour-long trip, slipping past survivalist camps … Continue reading »
Roadside America,
Sauro Motel Blog
Thursday, February 22nd, 2018

After study, we cut class and went down the Shore. We drove slowly, marvelling at the mansions in Deal until the cops escorted us to the Asbury line. It was too cold for the beach, but the guy at Asbury Lanes turned on Lane No. 1 for … Continue reading »
Roadside America,
Sauro Motel Blog
Sunday, May 8th, 2016

Asbury Park Boardwalk, outside the old Howard Johnson’s
“Bones and I still go to the Jersey Shore every summer but we no longer look for our future wives. When the pretty girls pass us on the beach, we ignore their straw cowboy hats … Continue reading »
Roadside America,
Sauro Motel Blog,
Travel Automat
Sunday, May 8th, 2016

The Badlands. Interior, South Dakota. The Lakota Sioux named this desolate land the “Badlands” because it was such a difficult place to cross.
The golden sand mounds there swirl in your head with all the failures that brought you there.
Roadside America,
Sauro Motel Blog,
Travel Automat
Tuesday, September 3rd, 2013

Tate Train Depot
Tiny Tate, in Pickens County, is the Home of Georgia Marble. Highway 53 slows into a curve that almost makes you come to a stop and admire the abandoned train station, which sits just steps from the highway.
… Continue reading »
Roadside America,
Sauro Motel Blog
Friday, August 2nd, 2013
On a recent trip, I exited I-25 into Santa Fe onto a crowded, modern road with new, adobe-style Marriott Courtyards, Targets, and the only Starbucks I found within 100 miles of Taos. Wondering how I might be able to find the dusty remnants of Route 66, I soon realized that I was already on the Mother Road, just the 2013 … Continue reading »
Roadside America,
Sauro Motel Blog
Saturday, January 26th, 2013

Ah, the Dunk ‘N Dine.
Or, to some, the Dine ‘N Dunk. (Once you got that in your head, there was no reversing it.)
Many Atlantans have spent a late night there fueling up on DND’s coffee, also known as Legal … Continue reading »
Cultural Outlet Mall,
Roadside America,
Sauro Motel Blog
Friday, March 27th, 2009
In the late 1970’s, there were more than 1000 Howard Johnson’s restaurants located coast to coast. As of January, 2009, only 3 remain.
Several years ago, I took a trip to see the penultimate HoJo’s restaurant in Florida, arriving as they were literally tearing up the floorboards. Along the way, memories took me back to HoJo restaurants from my youth, including … Continue reading »
Cultural Outlet Mall,
Roadside America,
Sauro Motel Blog